Monday, November 3, 2008


Has been rather busy of late... why?

1 - Mia !

So cool ;)

2 - Work

There was this little bit of a problem... Caused all sorts of fun and games. Maybe "meltdown" would be a better description? Oh well, bad for some (Lehman's... ouch), but not too bad for us. Have heard rumors that lots of those $20k per month apartments in Roppongi Hills are sitting vacant now that all the Lehman's crowd can't afford them, and apparently can be rented really cheap... may have to investigate that.

Besides those two? That's enough to keep you busy, but...

Have managed to take a couple of photos. I had to go into work late one night and decided to walk. It only takes about 35 minutes, and have been wanting to take some night photos for a while. I've uploaded a few of them to flickr, start here and work backwards... all taken hand held.

Mita (near Tamachi Stn.)

And I am still uploading photos reasonably regularly from my phone to here.

What else is going on? It's getting colder... there is snow starting to fall in the mountains! Mt. Fuji has some already - can see it from work on a clear day. We're already planning and booking snowboarding trips. Looks like this year will be Christmas in the snow! Cool.

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