Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Some random photos from the weekend...

Lately, at the end of a nice clear spring day, the view from our apartment has been pretty nice. The sun gets reflected back off the buildings on the other side of the bay. Finally managed to grab a photo, it isn't the best, had to push the ISO to 3200, so its pretty grainy...

sunset view panorama

This is 4 shots glued together, the end result isn't to bad.

And on a completely different subject...

FireBoatsFor the last few weeks there has been fire boats in the bay doing strange, choreographed, well, something. Including using the funky water cannons. Interesting.

Anyway's, on Saturday it became obvious why. They were rehearsing for some demonstration of fire boat goodness.

Including shooting fluorescent colored water from their water cannons. Didn't quite grab the camera quickly enough, but managed to catch the tail end of the spray.


Mmm, technicolor... 

How do you take your coffee?

With "Creap"... obviously.


Yep, "creamy powder" goodness. And it's even on sale...

Send me enough money, and I'll be happy to send you some "Creap" to call your very own. A great way to win friends and influence people I'm sure, especially when combined with some cheap ass, freeze dried, instant, decaf.


Saturday, May 10, 2008

Golden Week

Golden week just finished (sort of, this post is a little late). This year two of the public holidays fell on a weekend, but we still had a four day weekend to enjoy. And enjoy we did, we went to Niigata, which is shortly to host the G8 Summit, preparations were well underway while we were there. Will post some more later.

flowing water