Sunday, September 13, 2009

Taking some test photos… found an outbreak of Godzilla Plague

On Friday afternoon went out and took some test photos with a colleague who has the same camera, he’s been having some trouble with sharpness so we thought we would do some comparison shots. Anyway, one of the things we took some test photos of was this telegraph pole. It’s pretty amazing how many cables there are, and this is pretty normal for streets in Japan.


Here’s another one, just a bit further down the same road. This is looking towards Roppongi Mid Town from just near Izumi Garden Tower. I actually ended up quite liking this photo, the afternoon sun on the cables and the huge red billboard in that background with Godzilla advertising Kirin Fire – canned coffee.


I didn’t really think any more about the billboard, advertising is everywhere here, but then today, we were at Roppongi Hills with some visiting relatives and we went up to the City View on the 52nd floor. It was a really foggy day so not to good for taking photos of the view, I was just going to throw this photo away, but something red caught my eye…


It’s a plauge of the huge red and black Godzilla billboards.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


We have a supermarket in our building, which is really rather convenient. You just get out of the elevator, walk through the two security doors, turn right and your there already, the entrance you come out of is just to the right of picture below. And what’s even better is that its still very much undercover so there’s no way you could possibly end up getting wet, even if its pouring rain.


Maruetsu is a large chain style supermarket that is very reasonably priced. Certainly way cheaper than the supermarket at our old apartment – Daimaru Peacock – which was really a “boutique” style venture…

Anyway, I had my camera with me the other day when we went in to buy some things, so I thought I’d take a few photos of some of the “standard fare” on the shelves.

First up, the meat section, portions are far smaller than Australia, and considerably more expensive.



Next, the “marine” section. Octopus!


Some fish, and squid…  Maruetsu-5 and in case those squid weren’t fresh enough, there’s some still wriggling around on ice.Maruetsu-6

Around the other side of the supermarket is the “bento” section, all sorts of ready to eat snacks and meals such as sushi, noodles like udon and soba, fried foods, and heaps of other stuff. And a whole section on fresh baked breads at the end.Maruetsu-7


A bit further down the aisle and you come to the packaged bread / snack / cake section. And check out the funky electronic price tags, every shelf has them – in fact most places use them, they are “normal”. Maruetsu-8

Then somewhere back in the middle of the supermarket is the biscuits and normal snack foods section, full of tasty treats like this!


It’s always fun to wander around in the supermarket.